Channatu or ringworm on the head, leave it alone, be careful! Permanent hair loss.

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Channatu (Tinea capitis) is a scalp infection caused by a type of fungus. Patients often have itching. scaly scalp Hair falls out in patches. It can happen to people of all genders and ages. But it is often found in children aged 6-12 years and is transmitted from person to person through close contact or sharing personal items such as combs, towels, pillows, hats, etc., or it may also be transmitted from pets infected with this disease.

Channatu is caused by the scalp and hair being infected with a fungus called Dermatophytes, which is the same type of bacteria that causes ringworm in other areas of the skin. It is transmitted through contact with an infected person. People who are carriers but do not have symptoms Pets infected with fungus or items contaminated with fungus such as combs, hats, ทางเข้า ufabet, towels, beds, clothing, or toys. The spores can live for several months.

Symptoms of Channatu can manifest in many forms, such as:

  • Bald patches which often occurs in conjunction with shedding Similar to dandruff but more severe.
  • There are round spots on the scalp. Scabs or red, inflamed skin
  • Extremely itchy And when scratched, it causes the spread of Channatu.
  • There are pustules in the area where Channatu is. from inflammation of the skin.

High-risk groups that often develop Channatu disease include:

  •  Young children: especially during kindergarten age Infection through play or close contact in school. or play in the sand.
  •  People with pets: Get infected by touching, stroking, or hugging pets that are infected with fungus in the house.
  •  People who have to work outdoors: sweat a lot, skin is wet and clammy for a long time.
  •  People with poor hygiene: for example, don’t like washing their hair or taking a shower. 
  •  Immunocompromised people: such as cancer patients.
  •  People who play sports that involve sweating a lot and that require physical contact: such as running, football, boxing, basketball, etc.

Channatu protection

  • Channatu is a highly contagious disease. This is because the fungus that causes Channatu can be easily encountered. Preventing yourself from infection is the best way to treat Channatu.
  • Avoid and watch out for yeast infections from people who already have symptoms. Or avoid animals that we are unsure of their cleanliness.
  • Wash your hair and body regularly or wear your hair short to keep it clean easily.
  • Avoid sharing personal items with others, such as combs, towels, and clothing.
  • Always wash your hands thoroughly after doing various activities or touching things in crowded areas.
  • Clean bedding such as pillows, bed sheets, bedspreads, and blankets more often.