Water is essential for overall health, and drinking warm or hot water may have additional benefits, such as aiding digestion, improving circulation, and reducing stress. Although there is little scientific research on the benefits of drinking hot water, alternative health advocates argue that it is a simple way to improve your health. In this article, we take a look at the evidence behind it.

While drinking water at any temperature is believed to promote overall health, drinking hot water is believed to have a number of additional health benefits. Humans have been consuming hot beverages for thousands of years, and traditional medicine texts are full of stories touting the health benefits of hot water. But researchers have only just begun to seriously examine the benefits of drinking hot water. This article looks at eight possible benefits, and the theory behind them.
1. Better Digestion When the body is dehydrated, the small intestine absorbs most of the water it receives from food and drinks. This causes dehydration and makes it harder to pass stool. Chronic dehydration can lead to chronic constipation, which makes passing stool painful and can lead to other problems such as hemorrhoids and bloating. Drinking hot water helps digest food faster than drinking cold or warm water, reducing the risk of constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.
2. Detoxification . Alternative health advocates believe that hot water can help the ทางเข้า UFABET สำหรับสมาชิกใหม่ สมัครวันนี้ รับโบนัสฟรี body flush out toxins. When the water is hot enough to raise your body temperature, it causes your body to sweat. Sweating helps flush toxins out of your body and cleans out your pores.
3. Improves circulation. Hot water is a vasodilator, which means it helps blood vessels dilate, which improves circulation. This can help relax muscles and relieve pain. Although no studies have directly linked hot water to lasting improvements in circulation, even temporary improvements can help improve blood flow to your muscles and organs.
4. Weight Loss . ResearchTrusted Source supports the idea that drinking more water can help a person lose weight, possibly because drinking water increases feelings of fullness. Water also helps the body absorb nutrients and flush out toxins. A 2003 studyTrusted Source found that switching from cold water to hot water may help promote weight loss. The researchers found that drinking 500 ml of water before a meal increased metabolic rate by 30 percent. Raising the temperature of the water to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (about 37 degrees Celsius) increased metabolic rate by 40 percent. This increase in metabolic rate lasted for about 30 to 40 minutes after drinking the water.
5. Reduces Pain Hot water improves circulation and may help increase blood flow to injured muscles, especially. Although no research has directly linked drinking hot water with pain relief, people often use heating pads and hot water bottles to reduce pain. Drinking hot water may help relieve some internal pain, but it is important to note that heat can also make swelling worse.
6. Fights colds and nasal allergies. Heat applied to the sinuses can relieve congestion caused by colds and nasal allergies. Steam also helps open up the passages in the sinuses. Drinking hot water may help move mucus more quickly, which means that drinking hot water may make coughing and blowing your nose more effective.
7. Encourage coffee and tea consumption. When mixed with coffee or tea, hot water may provide additional health benefits. Caffeinated coffee and tea can be dehydrating, especially in large quantities, but they do have some health benefits in moderation .
8. Reduce stress . Drinking a glass of warm water may help people better deal with stress and anxiety. Past studies have found that consuming hot liquids, such as tea and coffee, can reduce stress and reduce feelings of anxiety.
The main risk of drinking hot water is scalding. Water that feels pleasantly warm on your fingertips may still burn your tongue or throat. Avoid drinking water that is close to boiling, and try taking a few sips before drinking. Drinking hot water in a covered, insulated cup can reduce the risk of spilling and scalding. Drinking caffeinated coffee or tea can cause palpitations or jitters. This can be prevented by limiting the number of cups of coffee or tea you drink, or by replacing caffeinated beverages with plain hot water.